“code”:”woocommerce_rest_missing_nonce”,”message”:”Missing the X-WC-Store-API-Nonce header. This endpoint requires a valid nonce.”You gonna see this error when you are using WooCommerce REST API. The error is self explanatory and easy to understand. The API asking us to pass a nonce. Here is a snippet of using JS including nonce in the header, we just gonna grab wp_create_nonceread more
Building WordPress Plugins with React.js
Let build UI for our WordPress Plugin with ReactJS.First we need to generate a package.json file. Open your terminal and run:>npm initOnce the package.json has been generated, we can begin installing our dependencies.Run these commands sequentially:>npm install --save react>npm install --save react-domBefore React code can run in the browser, it must go through a transformationread more